What does training with YDEval look like?

Students are rigorously trained under Dr. Tiffany Berry through Claremont Graduate University. Founded in 1925, Claremont Graduate University (CGU) in Claremont, CA is a private, fully accredited research university in Los Angeles County. CGU is considered one of the largest and best evaluation doctoral training programs in the world. Claremont Graduate University is a leader in the field of evaluation and applied research methods – providing graduate-level education geared toward conducting evaluations in real-world settings.

Students who work with Dr. Tiffany Berry are cross-trained in the principles and theories of both positive developmental psychology and evaluation. These students learn how to be change-makers and how to bridge the gap between research and practice to solve pressing social issues. Master’s and doctoral degree students are cross-trained in developmental science and evaluation science to contribute to research and conduct evaluations that aim to improve programs.

Dr. Tiffany Berry has spearheaded courses that help train students in the art of applying rigorous science to make a real-world impact. Some of these courses include: Applied Developmental Psychology, Evaluating Developmental Interventions, and Evaluation Procedures and Practicum. Additionally, one of the best things about Claremont Graduate University is the ability to take courses in other disciplines that may merge or elevate your own work. For instance, our students have taken courses like Policy Design and Implementation, Public Health courses, and more.

Beyond coursework, students attend monthly lab meetings, play important roles on evaluation projects, contribute to research and dissemination efforts, and connect with other like-minded students through social events (see a logic model for the YDEval Lab below). The lab provides the real-world learning not often attained in coursework. Additionally, the lab provides key opportunities for shared learning, community, and support.